Welcome to the first-ever artist feature on ndso.art! This will be an ongoing section of the site that will feature various local artists in the Southern California area. Our first artist is rapper/songwriter Milc promoting his recently released album, “The Winter,” available now on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Music, Tidal, and Soundcloud.
I was lucky enough to get the chance to work with Milc/Marc on some album art in 2016. When he invited me to help work on his new album artwork this year, I was really excited to revisit the art style and character from his previous album. Then, he told me he wanted the art to feature a new, 2019 version of himself killing the old 2016 iteration— and it was clear that this album was going to be something bigger and better than anything he had done before.
Milc and I discuss his new album, his old albums, and some of the great artists involved with the new songs. Read below:
Thanks again for choosing me to work on the artwork for your new album, "The Winter." It's been a while since "The Summer EP" came out in 2016. You've also had several single releases and at least one other EP release.
Q: In your songs you cite some inspiration coming from friends and fans, but those seem to be fuel for your writing rather than the source of the fire. What got you into writing songs, and who are some of your biggest influences?
A: I've always been a fan of writing in general. Since I could remember I was always writing. I think around Junior High, I wanted to be in a band and really write songs. That was around the time The Lonely Island started making comedy rap songs on SNL. I loved them so much, I thought I could do that, make cool funny raps. Then in High School I got more into rap and fell very in love with it. Then during my first year in college I was depressed, lost, and just had a lot of feelings. I started to write songs more and thought more about trying to rap more.
My biggest influences rap wise are Childish Gambino, Kid Cudi, Mac Miller, Tyler the Creator, Drake, Kanye West, and so many others.
The Summer EP
Hip Hop/Rap
Q: "The Summer EP" was released 3 years ago. Was your hiatus planned, or did something bring you back to the rap game?
A: I made the Summer EP just on a whim. I just wanted to make a project. We made it, and loved it. I made other projects between then and The Winter EP but they never had the time and care that The Summer EP had. Unfortunately life just got in the way. I was at film school, so that became more of my focus. I was always writing and filming stuff for school while making songs here and there on the side. Now that I'm done with school, I have more time to focus on the music. So me and the great people who helped behind the scenes with music and everything, talked about trying to make a new project similar to the Summer EP. So the Winter EP was born. We had the time and we put in the work.
Q: Milc seems to be of split opinions on his music- I guess that would mean you are too. In some tracks on the new album, your lyrics come from a place of total self-confidence, while in others Milc will be brutally dissing himself. This is a unique approach since plenty of rappers stay on the confident side without ever giving us a glimpse of their self-doubt. It adds sincerity to the album and is a welcome change in the world of self-aggrandizing rap (although Milc gets into plenty of that as well). Why is that balance so carefully written into these tracks? Is it a personal statement, or something else?
A: I'm always just trying to be honest. Those artists I mentioned above are always authentic and are never afraid to show all sides of themselves. At the end of the day we are all human beings with many sides and layers. Some days I feel I have all the confidence in the world and am the man. While others days I'm filled with self doubt and depression. So the music reflects that, it reflects me. No one is always one way or the other, neither am I. So I try to put all of that into the music.
Q: This album's tracks feature some really great production. Who did you work with to produce these songs?
A: The music production is amazing. I'm glad you asked me this because the streaming sites wouldn't let me put the Producers' names. So the majority of the beats were made by M3gatron Don. He also mixed the whole project. I met him back in 9th grade and we've been friends ever since. He was the one who showed me Hip Hop towards the end of high school. So in truth I wouldn't be here making music and rapping with out him. His music is super dope and he has a great ear for not only music but all art. He is a really smart guy and so damn talented. Two more songs were made by the producer, Tyler Swift, who once again I met back in 9th grade. He's always been a great friend and loves Hip Hop. He was always a big supporter of Milc and the music. So we've been working on songs since 2013. He is immensely talented and I'm always in awe of him. Then I made one beat, and that was The Movies. I make beats here and there, and they are decent, but these two guys, M3gatron Don and Tyler Swift, are geniuses.
Q: Where has Puma been? He has a great feature on the new track "Bravo," and I bet we won't hear from him for another 3 years. What's the deal with that?
A: Ahaha. You'd have to ask him. Puma is an amazing rapper and a great friend that I've known since 3rd grade. I think what happened was he got busy with life and school like I did. I hope we hear more from him because he is another genius.
Q: If you had to summarize the theme of "Winter," what would it be?
A: Stepping up. It's about taking a step forward and following your dreams/heart. I felt like I was getting lazy complacent. Writing and working on this project made me realize that, so I put it into the work. So I feel the project is about taking "Winter" even though it's cold you still gotta get up and keep doing your thing. "Winter" being life dealing you these cards and taking those cards and making your life what you want it. Hopefully that makes sense.
I was always writing and filming stuff for school while making songs here and there on the side. Now that I'm done with school, I have more time to focus on the music.
Q: What is your personal favorite track on the new album?
A: That's really really really hard. I feel like it's always changing. Still Remember, Done With You, and Bravo(Day) [Feat. Puma]. Those are three I really like a lot. But I do love em all.
Q: Thanks for your time with this. Is there anything else you want to say, or a message you want to put out there for anyone who might be reading?
A: I just want to say thank you. I appreciate you doing this fun little interview/feature. It's cool and fun and I'm glad you do this. And then also thank you for making the beautiful artwork, of course not just for The Winter EP but also for The Summer EP. You are so talented and make the best art. I'm so glad I know you and am able to keep working with you. Overall I'm just a lucky guy who knows all of these talented people that I surround myself with to make myself look better. Thanks Neil. Love you buddy.
Love you too man! It’s an honor to be a part of the album.
Follow Milc on Soundcloud here: www.soundcloud.com/officialmilc